Vendor & Third Party Management

9ine Vendor Assessment, a purpose-built offering for third-party risk management helps schools identify, assess, analyse, mitigate, and monitor risks and performance across all third parties such as contractors, data processors, service providers, EdTech platforms and services.

Vendor _ Third Party  Assessment

Vendor Evaluation

Many stakeholders are involved when selecting and evaluating vendors. IT, safeguarding, finance, and academics often need to be involved, making the process slow and disjointed. 9ine’s Vendor Assessment solution enables collaboration across the school through intelligent workflows with action automation to involve the right stakeholders at the right time.

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Risk Identification

Risk Identification

As a school, it is imperative to have the necessary tools to identify and mitigate any risks associated with the processing of personal data entrusted to your organisation.

Vendor Procurement and  Contract Management

Vendor Procurement and Contract Management

Contracts are critical for any organisation, including schools. Understanding every aspect of a contract’s lifecycle is key to ensure compliance with data protection and legal requirements amongst the relevant stakeholders. Ensure timely contract reviews with automated triggers based on contract timelines and performance expectations.

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Transfer Impact Assessment

Cross Border Data Transfers

9ine’s Transfer Impact Assessment, integrated within Vendor Assessment, allows you to analyse and document the privacy risks that may arise from sending the personal data you hold to a foreign organisation, including assessing the level of protection provided by the country where the service provider is located.

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Child Rights
Impact Assessment

Built-in Child Rights Impact Assessments ensure risks associated with safeguarding, profiling and automated decision making are considered before any new EdTech systems, software and platforms are used.