Certified Vendor Programme

Achieve 9ine's Recognition for Privacy and Cyber Security Excellence and showcase your dedication to Safeguarding Data in an Evolving Digital Landscape

Elevating Privacy and Cyber Security Standards

9ine’s Certified Vendor Programme recognises organisations that take a professional approach to privacy and cyber security management. The certificate issued by 9ine demonstrates that the organisation takes its legal responsibilities seriously, seeks to improve its privacy and cyber protections, and responds responsibly to emerging trends, concerns and threats. The program does not certify that a particular organisation is legally compliant with any specific law. Compliance with data privacy and protection, and related law, is predicated on understanding what your compliance obligations are, evidencing this, understanding where your gaps are, and having a plan in place to remediate those gaps with the resources allocated, proportionate to the resources of the organisation and identified risk.

There are two components to our recognition program, the first relates to data privacy and protection; and the second, information and cybersecurity.


Cross Border Data Transfers

Acknowledging Data Privacy & Protection Excellence

  • The organisation demonstrates a capability to manage the personal data within its responsibility according to data protection and associated law
  • The organisation demonstrates an approach to data protection by design and by default
  • The organisation demonstrates an independent, robust, and data subject-first approach to information rights requests
  • The organisation understands the status of its privacy compliance program and can demonstrate that appropriate resources are provided to manage the identified compliance risks
  • Where gaps in compliance are identified, an appropriate response is taken to mitigate risk
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery - 5th graphic

Recognising Information & Cybersecurity Proficiency

  • The organisation undertakes regular information and cyber security reviews of its IT systems, services, and technology
  • The organisation follows a certification or architecture to manage its information and cyber security risk. For example, Cyber Essentials Certification or the 9ine Zero Trust Architecture
  • The organisation can demonstrate evidence of identifying mitigating information and cyber security risks / vulnerabilities
  • The organisation follows a security-by-design approach to all aspects of access to information and technology systems
  • The organisation undertakes an  independent audit and assessment of its information and cybersecurity approach
  • The organisation can demonstrate a data subject-first approach should a relevant data security incident take place

To apply to be recognised by 9ine you will need to be using the 9ine Privacy App and can apply by completing this form.

Improve Your Privacy and Cybersecurity Measures

Achieving our certificates demonstrates your organisation's proactive approach to data protection, compliance, and risk mitigation. It provides stakeholders with the assurance that you are actively working to enhance your privacy and cybersecurity posture. Join us in building a safer digital landscape by submitting your application today.






If you have a complaint against an organisation on the 9ine Recognition program you can submit information and evidence here. Once received we will investigate their adherence to the respective principles.