Incident Management

Elevate your institution's security with 9ine Incident Management. Revolutionise your response to privacy and cyber incidents by streamlining investigations, automating tasks, and generating impactful reports.

Introducing 9ine Incident Management

Safeguard Your Organisation with 9ine Incident Management

9ine's Incident Management empowers your educational organisation with its comprehensive capabilities. This cutting-edge solution revolutionises your ability to handle privacy and cyber security incidents. Streamline investigations, automate tasks, assess risks, derive valuable lessons, and generate impactful reports for regulatory authorities.

Key Benefits of the 9ine Incident Management

Task Management
  • Efficient Incident Lifecycle Management: Seamlessly manage the entire privacy and cyber security incident lifecycle, ensuring a swift and well-coordinated response.
  • Automated Task Workflow: Automate tasks to expedite incident resolution, ensuring that no critical steps are overlooked during the process.
  • Risk Identification and Management: Quickly identify and manage risks associated with each incident, allowing for informed decision-making and mitigation.
  • In-depth Technical Assessment: Conduct detailed technical assessments for IT and cyber security incidents, providing IT teams with the necessary support for root cause analysis.
  • Enhanced Incident Visibility: Improve incident visibility, enabling a proactive approach to investigation and resolution.
Cyber, Technology & Privacy Incident Management - 2st graphic
  • Damage Assessment and Mitigation: Evaluate the impact of incidents, identifying potential damage to individuals' legal rights and creating mitigating actions.
  • Effective Communication Strategy: Determine the optimal communication approach with key stakeholders, including the school board, leadership team, staff, parents, students, and regulators.
  • Regulatory Compliance Reporting: Easily evaluate incidents and generate reports for regulatory authorities, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Visual Heat Map Risk Assessment: Create downloadable heat map risk assessments, providing a clear visual representation of the incident's impact for senior leaders and the board.
Privacy Incident Response

Secure Your Institution's Future

With 9ine Incident Management, your educational institution gains a powerful ally in safeguarding against privacy and cyber security incidents. Improve incident handling through streamlined investigations, automated tasks, risk assessment, and insightful reporting. Embrace a comprehensive solution that empowers you to navigate incidents effectively while ensuring compliance and data integrity. Choose 9ine for a more secure and resilient educational environment.